JRI Viewer is a stand-alone PHP application you can deploy with, or without, JRI Publisher.
JRI Viewer is for viewing and exporting Jasper Reports on demand. It does not require JRI Publisher and can be used with any (and multiple) instances of JasperReportsIntegration. It supports Users, Groups, and report-level permissions.
3. Upon completetion, below will be displayed::
Version: JRI Publisher Full Installation
Control Panel Modules: jri_publisher certbot
Tomcat Version: 9
Java Version: OpenJDK
Installation is now completed
SSL Provisioning Success
Installation is done via setup.php located in the /admin directory
PHP and PostgreSQL are required.
Create a PostgreSQL database and run the installer.
Running the Installer
Clone or download the repoistory
git clone
mv jri-publisher-master jri_viewer
Navigate to /admin/setup.php
Enter the information for the PostgreSQL database you created:
The installer will create the required objects in PostgreSQL
When the installer completes, you can log in using the defaultĀ